Dive Valhalla

Zane Bennett   Feb 05, 2024

Dive Valhalla, a 180-foot-deep abandoned nuclear missile silo near Abilene, offers divers a unique logbook entry and, as owner Mark and Linda Hannifin say, a definite conversation starter… “You dove where?” Flooded with groundwater that filtered through the concrete walls over time, the silo, 60 feet in diameter, once housed intercontinental ballistic missiles aimed at the USSR.

Though you won’t encounter any fish or vegetation in the silo, exploring this Cold War icon is an immersion into a fascinating chapter in America’s history. Don’t be surprised if you spot some bones scattered here and there along the floor. Before the abandoned site was transformed into a dive attraction, a few animals fell into the water and drowned. Since light penetrates only the first 40 feet of the crystal-clear water, diving with a flashlight (and back-up flashlight) is mandatory. Dive Valhalla, the only safely diveable missile silo in existence, is recommended for advanced divers.

  • Location: 20 – 30 miles south of Abilene
  • Depth: 130 feet
  • Visibility: Up to 100 feet with flashlight
  • Temperature: 60 degrees
  • Fees/Admission: Varies with dive shop
  • Outfitter: Dive Valhalla is not open to the general public. Trips must be reserved through dive shops. For a list of scheduled dives, call (915) 686-7333.
  • Helpful Hint: The water temperature at Dive Valhalla is always 60 degrees, regardless of outside weather conditions. Full-coverage gear, including boots, gloves and a hood, is highly recommended.
