Boy Scouts 
As of July 31, 2024, The Boy Scouts of America Sam Houston Council, Thomas Franklin, Chief Operating Officer, has decided that he does not want Gigglin’ Marlin Dive & Swim teaching any Scouting Merit Badge Classes. They will not renew our Merit Badge Counselor Forms nor our MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Gigglin’ Marlin Divers, Inc.
Thomas Franklin is unwilling to take a phone call with the owner of Gigglin’ Marlin to discuss details. He only sent a cease business email.
Gigglin’ Marlin Dive & Swim has been teaching Boy Scout Merit Badges since 2012 through the Sam Houston Council. We have loved supporting all the Scouting Families for many years, teaching and training many different Merit Badges. During COVID Gigglin’ Marlin remained more active than any other counselors in the Sam Houston Area Council allowing many scouts to advance during the hard time and indeed complete their Eagle Scout prior to timing out.
The owners of Gigglin’ Marlin Divers, Inc. have been involved with Scouting since 1990 with the Bay Area Council. They have volunteered in many positions including Cookie Mom for 8 years, Cub Scout Leader Assistant, Eagle Scout Advancement Training, attended campouts, out of town events, Spaghetti Dinners and supported all the High Adventure Camps. Their daughter is a Bronze Girl Scouts and their son is an Eagle Scout.
Gigglin’ Marlin has received lots of emails and phone calls from our current Scouting Families who want to complete additional courses with us. You, our loyal customers, have supported our business and our scout counseling and attended our courses not only in Scouting, but in Scuba Diving and Swimming over the past 38 years. We appreciate your support.
If you support Gigglin’ Marlin Dive & Swim and would like to be able to continue having your scouts attend Merit Badge Courses with us, please feel free to contact Sam Houston Council directly to share your wonderful experiences with Gigglin’ Marlin.
Thomas Franklin
Brandon Lewis
Brendan Cronin
Sam Houston Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
2225 North Loop West
Houston, Tx 77008
Thank you for your understanding and for your many years of support support.
Gigglin’ Marlin Dive & Swim