• Scuba Diving Merit Badge Course Dates

Scuba Diving Merit Badge Course Dates

Scuba Diving Merit Badges are offered every week in conjunction with the PADI Open Water Scuba Diver Course.  If you are already certified or pay for the Open Water Course with another Company, course fee is $50.  Call to make an appointment to go over the material with one of our Merit Badge Counselors. 281-445-3483



Prerequisites: Current Swim Test, Swimming Merit Badge & Open Water Scuba Course

Appts can be set upon completion of OW Course! The most convenient time is on Mondays when you are returning the equipment.  Preferred time is 6:45 pm

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Printable Merit Badge Class Schedule by date-12/31/2023 UPDATED


Downloadable MERIT BADGE BLUE CARD - UPDATED-can type on this form

(last updated November 24, 2021)

Since March 23rd, 2020, we have been offering the online and in person Gigglin’ Marlin Boy Scout Merit Badge Academy of Courses. This has been a huge win-win for everyone!  Thank you for joining the classes and all the positive feedback!  We are enjoying keeping your kids engaged in productive activities!  If there is a Merit Badge you are looking for, you can make a suggestion to me and we will try to accommodate you!  We also are offering Private Classes too!

Thank you for your business! Tonya  


All Boy Scout Merit Badge class portions are now available ONLINE and IN PERSON through a webinar meeting with the Merit Badge Counselor!
Gigglin’ Marlin is embracing the new normal and offering classes thru Webex.com

We will create a meeting through webex.com. You will receive an invitation by email inviting you to join: Gigglin Marlin MB Class.  Everyone in the class will get the webex link.  This will be sent out by the day before.  If you want to come in person, please come.

1. You will need to use a device (phone, ipad, computer) that has a camera and a microphone.
2. You will need to download the app on your device and log in. Webex is a free app. The sign-in only requests an email, first name, last name and a password. Each student should have their own, not the parent’s name.  Siblings are fine to share. This is so the MB Counselor can call them by the name as to who is logged in.
3. Please do this now and not at the beginning of the class. ?
4. Accept the meeting to show us you will be attending.
5. Print the Merit Badge Workbook from our website (read requirements), any supporting documents and have access the Boy Scout Textbook from our website below.  Print out a Blue Card if you do not have one. (also on our website below)

Gigglin’ Marlin Dive & Swim, 4502 Almeda Rd, Houston, TX 77004. 281-445-3483
Omar Aquil, Dean Gordon, Tonya Merritt – MB Counselors

For the Meeting Day:
1. When you sign in to the meeting, we will have a roll call to verify who is signed in with the Merit Badge Counselor as if you were in person.
2. Once you have signed in and spoken with the counselor, PLEASE MUTE YOUR MICROPHONE.
3. During the class you will be able to see the Counselor and we will see you. Please do not create distractions. Act as if you were in person.
4. If you want to answer a question, you can unmute, speak your name and then answer. Then re-mute your microphone when you are finished so we don’t have audio feedback.
5. We are asking children to participate in an adult-type meeting. Please show us you are mature enough to complete training in this fashion. We are confident you will be successful! We are so PROUD of ALL of you!!!  AND THANKFUL FOR THE PARENTS of these amazing Scouts!!
6. At the end of the meeting, you will be asked to show the MB Counselor your completed blue card so we can verify you have completed it properly prior to sending it in to me. We will also go over all the pre-reqs to see what you have.  If there are supporting documents for other parts of the MB, you can show him those at this time to get a completed MB or email them later.

7.  If you have an incomplete MB, please only fill in the dates of the numbers that you completed on the blue card so the MB Counselor can sign the appropriate line items.

After the Meeting:

1. You will need to submit your completed blue card back to the following email address at: swim@gigglinmarlin.com
2. Please submit your blue card and supporting documents promptly after the training is completed.


Following these instructions from an iphone: Go to NOTES APP, select PEN/PAPER icon on bottom right, click CAMERA icon, choose SCAN DOC, Take Picture, SAVE button, PRESS & HOLD on the document, SHARE, EMAIL to swim@gigglinmarlin.com.

3. Make sure it is LEGIBLE, NON-BLURRY and COMPLETELY FILLED OUT. Otherwise, we cannot accept it. NO EXCEPTIONS.  You can send this as a scan (best way) but you can also fax (if anyone still has one! our fax: 713-521-1888) or you can take a picture (SEND IT AS A MEDIUM SIZE PICTURE PLEASE).  Verify it looks good prior to sending it please.
4. If you don’t submit it, you will not have your blue card to turn in for credit. If you contact us later, there is a $15 fee for us to research the details of your class, dates, etc.
5. MB Counselor will sign off on the completed portions of the blue cards and we will email them back to you in 1-2 days.  Be patient while we verify all supporting documents.

Success is achieved when expectations are set in the beginning.  Thank you for being a part of our online world!

Since 2012 Gigglin’ Marlin has taken great pride in the opportunity to train your scout(s) and serve you.  Thank you for working with us in this period of transition!  We truly hope this is an amazing success for everyone! We see it as a WIN-WIN!
Thank you also for supporting our small business in Houston!!!  We truly appreciate it!! Bill & Tonya

Pricing for the Private Rate is double the regular price.  To register for this option, please contact Tonya for availability.  281-445-3483

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